

Piezoelectric crystal

Non-centrosymmetric crystals are deformed under the action of mechanical force, causing the charged particles to undergo relative displacement, and thus positive and negative bound charges appear on the surface of the crystal. Such crystals are called piezoelectric crystals. The property of generating a potential difference at both ends of the polar axis of a piezoelectric crystal is called piezoelectricity.

Semiconductor substrate

The substrate is a clean single crystal sheet with specific crystal planes and appropriate electrical, optical and mechanical properties for growing epitaxial layers.

The most common chemical substrates are nitride substrate materials. Research and development of nitride substrate materials. GaN-based semiconductors that increase the wide band gap of font resetting have shown broad application prospects in short-wavelength light-emitting diodes, lasers and ultraviolet detectors, as well as high-temperature microelectronic devices; they are still very environmentally friendly. Suitable for environmentally friendly material systems.

Precision optics

Focus on overall solutions for optoelectronic products and imaging system technology